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Supply waterproof Micro USB vertical 180 degree base, type AB straight edge

Supply waterproof Micro USB vertical 180 degree base, type AB straight edge

Products Class:Micro 2.0 male series
Prodects desc:Supply new waterproof Micro USB 5 p AB Type vertical 180 degrees into the mother city without guide, wide high thick x4.0 x6 x 9.1 1.3 MM pin end, waterproof grade IP65 / IP67 / IP68 level, the waterproof design of the Micro USB connector, the connector shell opening and can be internal gaps are sealed, thus provides the best protection effect, to optimize the user experience.
Online Service:+86-755-33182327

The production parameters of waterproof Micro USB vertical 180 degree base:


1. Dimension shall be interpreted per ASME Y14.5 M1994.

2. Dimension marked & should be checked by

Q.c and process, engineers and should also

Check the CPK data.


1. Current Rating: 1.0 AMP

2. Voltage Rating: 30V AC, DC

3. Dielectric Strength: 500V AC RMS for 1 minute.

4. Contact Resistance: 30 m Max.

5. Insulator Resistance: 500M min. AT 250V DC.

6. Mating/Unmating cycles: 2000 cycles

7. Temperature: - 20 ° C to + 60 ° C

Mike waterproof Micro USB base

As consumer electronics become thinner and lighter, they are also becoming more susceptible to damage from water and dust. Therefore, for Micro USB connectors, it is important not only to ensure the compatibility of size and shape, but also to waterproof and dustproof. Wide good source technology introduced the waterproof design of Micro USB connector, the connector shell opening and can be internal gaps are sealed, thus provides the best protection effect, to optimize the user experience.

The waterproof Micro mother seat is divided into: Micro square mouth waterproof mother seat, Micro USB waterproof AB type, SMT waterproof board, and sink type USB connector. Micro USB connector is smaller than standard USB and Mini USB connector, saving space, with up to 10000 plug life and strength, blind interpolation structure design. Micro USB standard supports the current USB OTG function, and portable devices can directly realize data transmission.

Reference address: http://www.gjydz.com/html/product_242.html

Keywords:Waterproof usb socket, waterproof usb, waterproof micro usb
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